Have YOU ever seen faces in trees?
- touch the tree -
The Mask

"The mask is otherworldly - it brings you into a realm that goes beyond the literal. It bridges different realities, and when engaged, it becomes a powerful tool for transformation."

The mask is a vehicle through which we can see and experience the inanimate as a living world surrounding us. The mask stretches the wearer as well as the viewer to behave in a different fashion, often taking on a life of its own. The mask gives us permission to experience our untamed selves, giving us an opportunity to heal the lost connection between earth, spirit and self.

Katja Esser has been making masks and costumes since 1992, which she uses in both her workshops and rituals. She creates androgynous masks that express earth related themes such as fire, water, caves, and trees, as well as animal and ancestor masks. Katja uses a variety of methods to make her masks: paper mache over clay; wire based paper mache; and wire based cloth masks using natural materials like bark and raffia. Since 1995 she has studied with Eric Bornstein, and she currently performs with the "Behind the Mask Theater".

Click on any of the small images to enlarge
and view as slide presentation!
The Mask

"The mask is otherworldly - it brings you into a realm that goes beyond the literal. It bridges different realities, and when engaged, it becomes a powerful tool for transformation."

The mask is a vehicle through which we can see and experience the inanimate as a living world surrounding us. The mask stretches the wearer as well as the viewer to behave in a different fashion, often taking on a life of its own. The mask gives us permission to experience our untamed selves, giving us an opportunity to heal the lost connection between earth, spirit and self.

Katja Esser has been making masks and costumes since 1992, which she uses in both her workshops and rituals. She creates androgynous masks that express earth related themes such as fire, water, caves, and trees, as well as animal and ancestor masks. Katja uses a variety of methods to make her masks: paper mache over clay; wire based paper mache; and wire based cloth masks using natural materials like bark and raffia. Since 1995 she has studied with Eric Bornstein, and she currently performs with the "Behind the Mask Theater".

Click on any of the small images to enlarge
and view as slide presentation!
the mask
the keeper

the shrine

the intention

the transformation

the ritual

the goddess

Welcome to the
Ritual Cave!
the cave

the diversity