Over 5,000 years ago the Chinese mapped out a meridian system. Their medical treatments included diagnosing the disrupted energy in these channels and re-balancing them through herbs, acupuncture, qigong and acupressure. In India, they call these systems Chakras (which is a Sanskrit word meaning “spinning wheels of light”). Some of their treatments include yoga, toning and rebalancing these energy centers. Other modalities use the bio-field - or aura, the area that surrounds the body. (For example, a halo that appears around a holy person.) The most well-known energy modalities include Reiki and Healing Touch
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here you are embodied in them, however upon your death you will return to the essence of who you are.
In addition to this physical body, you also have an energetic body. Energy has intelligence to it. It flows in a pattern throughout your body and what you think, believe and feel impacts the flow of that energy. From an Eastern perspective, dis-ease is seen as energetic blocks in your system. Therefore, once the block is identified and released, the system can return to a state of health. 
Energy Psychology (Continued)
Although psychotherapy can help with many of our emotional traumas and long-held negative beliefs, researchers have found that some are so deeply entrenched that they can become etched into our neural pathways. Positive thinking can be unsuccessful in these cases because the energy needed to effectively use your thoughts has been compromised. When your energy is blocked, all the positive thinking in the (continued)
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