D5L1: Briefing Room
D5L1: Cyberwaves
D5L1: Cyberwaves Menu
D5L1: Engineering
D5L1: Engineering Menu
D5L1: Operations Center Lobby
D5L1: Security Office
D6L1: Consciousness Center
D6L1: Consciousness Center Lobby (carpet)
D6L1: Consciousness Center (Wake Up World)
D6L1: Consciousness Center (menu)
D6L1: Higher-Self Exploration (chakra image)
D6L1: Higher-Self Exploration (menus)
D6L1: Higher-Self Exploration (Indigo Menu)
D6L1: (Lightworkers Menu)
D6L1: (Re-Unification Menu)
D6L1: Higher-Self Exploration (Walk-In & Warrior Menus)
D6L1: Wake Up World Menu
D7L1: Centers for Transformation
D7L1: Inner Journey Center
D7L1: Inner Journey Center (Oneness Menu)
D7L2: Bet Shalom
D7L2: Memorial (Exterior Entrance)
D7L2: Memorial (Interior Entrance)
D7L2: Sacred Grounds
D7L2: Sacred Grounds Lodge Menus
D7L2: Sacred Grounds (Animal Medicine Lodge)
D7L2: Sacred Grounds (Ceremonial Mound)
D7L2: Sacred Grounds (Dream Lodge)
D7L2: Sacred Grounds (Drum Lodge Entrance)
D7L2: Sacred Grounds (Earth Lodge)
D7L2: Sacred Grounds (Peace Pyramid)
D7L2: Sacred Grounds (Peace Pyramid Scrolls)
D7L2: Sacred Grounds (Purification Bath)
D7L2: Sacred Grounds (Ritual Cave)
D7L2: Sacred Grounds (Shrines)
D7L2: Sanctuary
D7L2: Sanctuary (wall art)
D7L2: Serenity Park (Gathering Place)
D7L2: Serenity Park (Inspiration Path)
D7L2: Serenity Park (Inspiration Path frame)
D7L2: Serenity Park (Meditation Garden)
D7L2: Serenity Park (Paradise Falls)
D7L2: Spiritual Center
D7L2: Sweat Lodge
D7L3: Angelic Accounts Menu
D7L3: Archives of the Ascended Masters
D7L3: Archives of the Ascended Masters (menu)
D7L3: Celestial Treasury
D7L3: Gratitude Bank (deposit & withdrawl slips)
D7L3: Gratitude Bank (entrance)
D7L3: Gratitude Bank (interior)
D7L3: Miracle Ledger Menu
D7L3: Vault of Eternal Assets
D7L3: Vault of Eternal Assets (Angel)
D7L3: Vault of Eternal Assets (Miracle Ledger)
DOME (frame)
Buttons on the Deck Menus
Frames used on D7L2 and D7L1
Plasma TV (Deck Menus)